ICC Conference: Beyond Technological Innovation and Diffusion
The Drivers of Economic Change and Economic Coordination:
from Knowledge and Technology to Organizational Learning and Industrial Dynamics
December 12-14, 2016
Haas School of Business :: University of California, Berkeley
Held almost thirty years ago, the Conference on Innovation and Diffusion in Venice, 1986, has been a landmark in the development of the Economics of Innovation as a distinct and rich domain of investigation of economic analysis – featuring many of the contributors to the field and more generally to the analysis of economic dynamics driven by technological and organizational change, from Freeman to Arrow, Nelson, Rosenberg, David, Pavitt, Stiglitz, Winter, and many others.
And nearly a quarterly of century ago the journal Industrial and Corporate Change was established with most of the same players and many more as editors, scientific advisors and members of a variegated but quite visible college.
As both anniversaries are approaching, the editors of Industrial and Corporate Change (ICC) are planning to organize a major Conference that takes stock on the advances reached in Venice 1986 and moves the frontier forward by tackling several new major themes and at the same time scouting the challenges ahead. Please click here for more information about ICC.
Both the Venice Conference and ICC address from different angles the two major interpretative questions which cut across the history of economic discipline: first, the drivers which sustain for the first time in human history the secular growth in the industrialized part of the world, and, second, what keeps together -with varying degrees of “orderly” success- a complex system made up by multiple heterogeneous interacting agents.
Since Venice 1986 much progresses has been made on several fronts, but also some apparent set-backs have taken place. For example, we certainly know much more about the characteristics, dynamics and effects of innovative knowledge, but at the same time the discipline has tried to reduce knowledge accumulation to information acquisition and to some equilibrium response to “incentives”. We know much more about industrial dynamics – the patterns, the historical interpretative narratives, the statistical properties, the way to model it in a meaningful way- but at the same time theoretical interpretations tend often to rationalize the evidence by means of increasingly sophisticated and increasingly fictional agents.
Below you will find a tentative program with the topics and the main speakers/discussants under each subject. Speakers should have presentations of 20 minutes, followed by open discussion of about 10 minutes. Official discussants have maximum 15 minutes each.

Nathan Rosenberg
Nathan Rosenberg has been one of the key originators of the Economics of Innovation, a major protagonist at the Venice Conference and among the founders of ICC. He has been a fundamental contributor to the advancement of the entire domain of the analysis of technological change and its impact on industrial dynamics and economic growth. Indeed, the opening day of the ICC Conference will be dedicated to Nate Rosenberg and its legacy.
Conference Themes and Tentative Program
Session 1: MONDAY December 12, 2016, from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm
Technology, industry evolution and the anatomy of knowledge generation mechanisms
The role of technology and knowledge in industry dynamics and economic development. From scientific search to technological paradigm, to role of knowledge, to national, sectoral and regional systems of innovation.
10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Chairman and Opening Remarks |
Invited Speakers | Discussants |
David C. Mowery | Alfonso Gambardella Ashish Arora Timothy Bresnahan |
Annetine Gelijns Paul Nightingale Luigi Orsenigo |
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Chairman and Opening Remarks |
Invited Speakers | Discussants |
Richard R. Nelson | Ron Boschma Alessandro Nuvolari Francesco Lissoni & Valerio Sterzi |
Fredrik Tell Roberto Mazzoleni |
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Opening Remarks by Barry Eichengreen
The legacy of Nathan Rosenberg and the importance of economic history
Round Table with Kenneth J. Arrow, Paul David, Giovanni Dosi, David C. Mowery, Richard R. Nelson, Gavin Wright
(Chair: David Teece)
6:30 pm
Dinner in honor of Nathan Rosenberg (Host: David Teece)
Session 2: TUESDAY December 13, 2016 from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm
Firms and organizations
Beyond ”market failure” interpretations of firms’ origin and functioning. Toward a constructive theory of organizations grounded upon the permanent tension between collective capabilities, incentive and power.
9:30 am – 11:00 am – Profiting from technological innovation
Chairman and Opening Remarks |
Invited Speakers | Discussants |
David Teece | Bronwyn Hall Mariana Mazzucato |
Benjamin Coriat |
11:30 am – 13:00 pm – Firms and Organizations
Opening remarks | Invited Speakers | Discussants |
Sidney Winter | Daniel Levinthal and Luigi Marengo Giovanni Gavetti |
Robert Gibbons |
2:30 pm – 6:30 pm – Firms and Organizations
Chairman | Invited Speakers | Discussants |
Oliver Williamson | Markus Becker and Nathalie Lazaric Florian Artinger Gary Pisano Stefano Brusoni Stefano Breschi Christos Pitelis Gino Cattani |
Michael Jacobides Giovanni Valentini |
Session 3: WEDNESDAY December 14, 2016 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
The structure and evolution of industries
Ubiquitous heterogeneity in innovative capabilities and performances; uneven patterns of learning and market selection; differentiated effects of finance upon corporate and industry dynamics; industrial life cycles.
9:30 am – 1:00 pm – The structure and evolution of industries
Chairman | Invited Speakers | Discussants |
Franco Malerba
Rajshree Agarwal Marco Vivarelli Roberto Fontana Andreas Pyka Gianluca Capone |
Carliss Baldwin Uwe Cantner |
2:00 pm – 5:30 pm – Industrial Dynamics
Chairman | Invited Speakers | Discussants |
Giovanni Dosi | Javier Miranda Alex Coad Giulio Bottazzi and Federico Tamagni Marco Grazzi and Daniele Moschella Elena Cefis and Orietta Marsili |
Eric Bartelsman Angelo Secchi |
5:30 pm – Closing address Richard R. Nelson