Richard R. Nelson Prize
Special Sections and Issues for 2016
Special Sections and Issues for 2015
Selected Special Sections and Issues for 2010-2014
Highly-Cited ICC Articles
ICC Editorial Board
ICC Editors Biennial Meeting, July 2015
ICC Page at Oxford University Press
The editors of Industrial and Corporate Change (ICC) are organizing a major conference on the topic
“Beyond Technological Innovation and Diffusion – The Drivers of Economic Change and Economic Coordination:
from Knowledge and Technology to Organizational Learning and Industrial Dynamics”,
scheduled for December 12-14, 2016 at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.
The conference will take stock on the advances reached since the Conference on Innovation and Diffusion in Venice, 1986, and will move the frontier forward by tackling several new major themes and at the same time scouting the challenges ahead.
Please click here for more information.
Industrial and Corporate Change (ICC) is an academic, peer-reviewed, journal published six times a year by Oxford University Press that seeks to accommodate the interests of scholars, policymakers, and managers who are both active researchers and practitioners on issues of industrial and corporate change, particularly with regard to innovation, organization, industrial change, and corporate management. Applying a variety of methodological approaches – statistical and historical analysis, mathematical modeling and computer simulations, case studies, and appreciative theorizing – ICC authors offer novel contributions to the understanding of technological change, organizational processes, and organizational structures.
Founded in 1992, Industrial and Corporate Change is sponsored by the Institute for Business Innovation (IBI) at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, in collaboration with the ICCAssociazione, Milan, Italy, and its publisher Oxford University Press. IBI coordinates ICC operations and implements the directives and policies of ICC Editors who are located in Italy, United Kingdom, United States, Sweden and Switzerland. It is backed by an illustrious board of Scientific Committee and Associate Editor members, including Nobel laureates Kenneth Arrow, Oliver E. Williamson, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. Since 1998 ICC has widened its programmatic net to include contributions from organization theory, experimental economics, economic sociology, and economic anthropology. More recently ICC has emphasized East Asia and South Asia economics regions by welcoming contributions from those regions and sponsoring special issues on related regional themes, while bringing on board scholars on East and Southeast Asia.
Many of the special issues of Industrial and Corporate Change have been turned into books published by Oxford University Press. In addition, ICC has brought out a collection of classics from its first decade of publication Understanding Industrial and Corporate Change (Oxford University Press, 2005) while Shanghai Peoples Press provided a 2007 Chinese translation of Technology, Organization and Competitiveness (Oxford University Press, 1998). ICC further intends to produce a volume marking its first twenty-five years of expanding operation (1992-2017).
Interested readers may access the Oxford University Press ICC website at: //icc.oxfordjournals.org/ which provides facilities for viewing the current ICC issue, including abstracts for each article, and browsing the ICC archives, as well as the ICC Editors’ Choice of Articles for recent issues.
Richard R. Nelson Prize
The Richard R. Nelson Prize is awarded every two years for the best article, alternatively, in the academic journals Industrial and Corporate Change (Oxford University Press) and Research Policy (Sage) Representatives from the Editors of both journals act as judges for the best article with a tilt toward younger scholars. At the present time the award includes a prize of $3,000 and all expenses toward attending the Nelson Award Prize Dinner to be held at the University of California, Berkeley. The choice of journals reflects Professor Richard R. Nelson’s favorites in the scholarly fields to which he has made major contributions.
The 2014 prize has been awarded to Professor Kira R. Fabrizio for her article, “Absorptive Capacity and the Search for Innovation.” [Learn more]
Special Sections and Issues for 2016
During the publication year 2016 Industrial and Corporate Change is pleased to announce a series of important special issues and special sections:
ISSUE 25:1 – Exaptation as Source of Creativity, Innovation, and Diversity
Issue 25:1 devotes a special section to exaptation as one of the most important yet little studied evolutionary mechanisms in the history of species, ecosystems and technologies. In biology exaptation describes a discontinuous evolutionary process resulting from a functional shift of an existing trait or artifact. In this special section exaptation is discussed in terms of its contribution to the possible solution of long-standing questions regarding the emergence of novelty, particularly radical innovation.
Topics covered include:
- Factor markets, actors, and affordances (Teppo Felin, Universiy of Oxford, Stuart Kauffman, Institute for Systems Biology, Antonio Mastrogiorgio, Interuniversity Research Centre on Sustainable Development of Rome, and Mariano Mastrogiorgio, University of Antwerp)
- Technological exaptation: a narrative approach (Raghu Garud, Pennsylvania State University, Joel Gehman, University of Alberta, and Antonio Paco Giuliani, University of Illinois, Chicago)
- Exaptation and niche construction: behavioral insights for an evolutionary theory (Nicholas Dew, Naval Postgraduate University, and Saras D. Sarasvathy, University of Virginia)
- Exaptation dynamics and entrepreneurial performance: evidence from the internet video industry (Kenny Ching, University College, London)
- Exaptation as source of creativity, innovation, and diversity (Pierpaolo Andriani, Kedge Business School, and Gino Cattani, New York University)
Issue 25:2 – Open Innovation and Open Business Models
Stemming from the inaugural World Open Innovation Conference held in Napa, California, in 2014, this special section represents some of the more significant contributions to that conference which brought together leading academic researchers and industry practitioners in open innovation (OI) and included a research agenda for future work in this growing area. As defined by its founder Henry Chesbrough, open innovation is “the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation.”
Topics covered include:
- When do firms undertake open, collaborative activities? (Christopher L. Tucci, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Henry Chesbrough, University of California, Berkeley, Frank Piller, RWTH Aachen University, and Joel West, Keck Graduate Institute)
- Toward an aspiration-level theory of open innovation (Oliver Alexy, Technische Universität Műnchen, Elif Bascavusoglu-Moreau, INSEAD, and Ammon J. Salter, University of Bath)
- Does patenting help or hinder open innovation? Evidence from new entrants in the solar industry (Ann-Kristin Zobel, ETH Zűrich, Benjamin Balsmeier, Technical University, Freiburg, and Henry Chesbrough, University of California, Berkeley)
- Match and manage: the use of knowledge matching and project management to integrate knowledge in collaborative inbound open innovation (Nicolette Lakemond, Linköping University, Lars Bengtsson, University of Gävle, Keld Laursen, Copenhagen Business School, and Fredrik Tell, Uppsala University)
- Open business models and venture capital finance (Massimo G. Colombo, Politecnico di Milano, Douglas Cumming, York University, Ali Mohammadi, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra, Politecnico di Milano, and Anu Wadhwa, Imperial College, London)
Future special sections scheduled for publication in 2016 and 2017 include: The Multifaceted Dimensions of Industrial Change: Skills, Firms and Export Dynamics, edited by Lionel Nesta and Mauro Napolitano (SKEMA Business School).
What do We Know and What Should We Know about International Knowledge Sourcing?, edited by Keld Laursen (Copenhagen Business Schoiol) and Grazia D. Santangelo (University of Catania).
Special Sections and Issues for 2015
During the publication year 2015 Industrial and Corporate Change is pleased to announce a series of important special issues and special sections:
Issue 24:3 – Knowledge Generation and Innovation Diffusion in the Global Automotive Industry: Change and Stability during Turbulent Times
Starting with issue 24:3, ICC is providing a special section on Knowledge Generation and Innovation Diffusion in the Global Automotive Industry: Change and Stability during Turbulent Times, edited by Anja Schulze (University of Zürich), John Paul MacDuffie (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania), and Florian A. Täube (Free University of Brussels).
The special section addresses dramatic changes in the global automotive industry by studying current phenomena and theoretical discussions. It approaches the industry as an ecosystem characterized by dominant automakers acting as system integrators and it highlights current drivers of the global, regulatory, and technical changes in the industry and its response in both novel and extant ways of innovating.
Topics covered include:
- The Detroit Auto Cluster (Ram Mudambi, Temple University)
- Online Communities for Vehicle Design (Victor P. Seidel, Babson College, and Benedikt Langner, Bain & Company)
- Formal One Racing (Paolo Aversa, Santi Furnari, and Stefan Haefliger, City University London)
- The Renault Zero Emission Initiative (Felix von Pechmann, Christophe Midler, Rémi Maniak, and Florence Charue-Duboc, École Polytechnique Paris)
- The Minivan Market Segment (Daniel E. Engler, Illinois State University), and
- Red Queen Dynamics in the Product Survival Race (M. Berk Talay, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and Janell D. Townsend, Oakland University)
Issue 24:4 – Steven Klepper’s Contributions to Industry Evolution, Entrepreneurship and Geography
For issue 24:4, ICC is proud to present an entire special issue in honor of the late Steven Klepper’s Contributions to Industry Evolution, Entrepreneurship and Geography. The special issue is edited by Rajshree Agarwal (University of Maryland), Guido Buenstorf (University of Kassel), Wesley M. Cohen (Duke University), and Franco Malerba (Bocconi University).
The special issue highlights Steven Klepper’s pioneering work linking life cycle patterns in industry evolution to underlying micro level firm innovation dynamics and employee entrepreneurship as well as to the macro level implications regarding geographical agglomeration and the growth of economies.
Topics covered include:
- Steven Klepper and Business History (David C. Mowery, University of California, Berkeley)
- Japan’s Early Cotton Spinning Industry (Serguey Braguinsky, Carnegie Mellon University)
- The Role of Firm Size (Ashish Arora and Wesley M. Cohen, Duke University)
- Vertical Firm Structure and Industry Evolution (Constance E. Helfat, Dartmouth University)
- New Firm Hiring (Michael S. Dahl, Aalborg University, and Steven Klepper, Carnegie Mellon University)
- Spinoffs in Silicon Valley (Cristobal Cheyre, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Jon Kowalski, McKinsey & Company, and Francisco Veloso, Universidade Católica Portuguesa).
In addition, ICC is preparing the following special sections for publication in 2015:
Open Innovation, edited by Henry Chesbrough (University of California, Berkeley), Joel West (Kerk Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences), and Christopher Tucci (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).
Exaptation as a New Perspective on Creativity and Innovation, edited by Gino Cattani (New York University) and Pierpaolo Andriani (Kedge Business School, France).
Selected Special Sections and Issues for 2010-2014
In addition to its regular articles, Industrial and Corporate Change frequently publishes special issues and sections. Recent examples include:
- High-Growth Firms (2014), a study of the importance of high-growth firms for future industrial performance as well as a warning that they are unlikely to be useful vehicles for public policy.
- Finance, Innovation and Growth: Reforming a Dysfunctional System (2013), proposing that bringing finance back after the 2007 financial crisis to serve the real economy will require de-financializing companies and re-structuring finance for the long-term capital required by innovation.
- Entrepreneurship (2013), a series of detailed studies of institutions in the United States and Sweden that are of particular importance for entrepreneurship and innovation-based firm growth.
- Building Innovation Systems (2012), explorations of some frontier developments in innovation theory with emphasis on the institutional conditions under which policies produce results.
- Management Innovation: Essays in the Spirit of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (2010), a celebration of business historian Alfred D. Chandler’s intellectual legacy and the larger impacts of his reading of the industrial corporation as an institution both central to the economy and rooted in society.
Highly-Cited ICC Articles
Among the most highly-cited articles in Industrial and Corporate Change over the past ten years are:
- Constance E. Helfat, “Vertical Firm Structure and Industry Evolution.”
- Xiaodan Yu, Giovani Dosi, Jiasu Lei and Alessandro Nuvolari, “Institutional Change and Productivity Growth in China’s Manufacturing: The Microeconomics of Knowledge Accumulation and ‘Creative Restructuring’ (2015).
- Ana Luiza de Araújo Burcharth and Andrea Fosfuri, “Not Invented Here: How Institutionalized Socialization Practices Affect the Formation of Negative Attitudes toward External Knowledge” (2015).
- Ron D. Katznelson and John Howells, “The Myth of the Early Aviation Patent Hold-up: How a U.S. Government Monopsony Commandeered Pioneer Airplane Patents” (2015)
- Paul Nightingale and Alex Coad, “Muppets and Gazelles: Political and Methodological Biases in Entrepreneurial Research” (2014), a path-breaking critique of the conventional wisdom that entrepreneurial activity automatically provides a positive driving force in the economy.
- Nathan Rosenberg and W. Edward Steinmueller, “Engineering Knowledge” (2013), highlighting features in engineering knowledge in U.S. university research for agriculture, aviation and chemicals that has distinguished it from scientific knowledge and supported changes in the roles of universities over the past century.
- Francesco Lissoni, Jacques Mairesse, Fabio Montobbio, and Michele Pezzoni, “Scientific Productivity and Academic Promotions: A Study of French and Italian Physicists” (2011), concluding from an investigation of French and Italian academic physicists that the size and international nature of collaborative projects and co-authors’ past productivity, as well as age, gender, and past productivity, have significant impacts on current productivity and on promotion opportunities.
- Dirk Czarnitzki, Katrin Hussinger, and Cédric Schneider, “Commercializing Academic Research: The Quality of Faculty Patenting” (2011), investigating the importance of academic patenting to conclude, among other results, that such involvement results in a citation premium as academic patents appear to generate more forward citations.
- Max-Peter Menzel and Dirk Fornahl, “Cluster Life Cycles – Dimensions and Rationales of Cluster Evolution” (2010), presenting a model to explain how cluster dynamics covers both the driver for the movement of a cluster through a life cycle and the reason why this movement differs from the industry life cycle.
- Ashish Arora and Alfonso Gambardella, “Ideas for Rent: An Overview of Markets for Technology” (2010), arguing that recent literature on technology, by focusing on the supply of technology, has overlooked the demand for external technology, the role of uncertainty in technology markets, and the dynamic interaction between industry structure and the market for technology.
Industrial and Corporate Change Editorial Board
Glenn R. Carroll (Stanford University)
Giovanni Dosi (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa)
Michael G. Jacobides (London Business School)
Franco Malerba (Bocconi University)
Gary P. Pisano (Harvard University)
David J. Teece (University of California, Berkeley)
Fredrik Tell (Uppsala University)
Giovanni Valentini (IESE – Barcelona)
Managing Editor: Josef Chytry, University of California, Berkeley
For the full editorial board, please see:
ICC Editors Biennial Meeting, July 2015
The biennial meeting of Industrial and Corporate Change Editors was held on 9-10 July 2015 in Oxford, England at the headquarters of Oxford University Press. Attending for IBI, Haas School of Business, were IBI Executive Director Maria Carkovic and ICC Managing Editor Josef Chytry. From ICC’s European nodes the following ICC Editors attended: Giovanni Dosi (Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa), Franco Malerba (Bocconi University), Fredrik Tell (Uppsala University), and Paul Nightingale (University of Sussex). Also joining the discussants were ICC European editing manager Adriana Mongelli as well as Victoria Smith representing ICC’s publisher Oxford University Press.
Important decisions taken by the Editors at the meeting included bringing on board a new set of head Editors: Gary Pisano (Harvard University), Michael Jacobides (London Business School), and Giovanni Valentini (IESE Barcelona). The Editors also resolved to strongly encourage more submissions from South and Southeast Asia and Brazil. Finally, in preparation for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the journal, the Editors voted to hold a major five-day conference in Berkeley in late 2016 or early 2017.
ICC Editors meet every two years, alternatively between UC Berkeley and a site in Europe. Meetings have been held regularly since 2002 after the journal was founded in 1992.
Scenes from the Editors’ Meeting
(click photos to enlarge)

ICC Editors dinner participants (from left): Giovanni Dosi, Maria Carkovic, Fredrik Tell, Franco Malerba, Paul Nightingale, Adriana Mongelli, Josef Chytry