2014 NET Institute Conference on Network Economics

Videos and Papers

May 9, 2014
Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley
Wells Fargo Room

Additional information: [conference webpage] [conference booklet]


Introductory Remarks
Nicholas Economides, NET Institute, Stern School of Business, NYU & Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
[video link]

Session 1:  Two-sided Markets
[video link]

  1. Price Competition in Two-Sided Markets with Heterogeneous Consumers and Network Effects
    Lapo Filistrucchi and Tobias J. Klein, Tilburg University
    Discussant: Przemek Jeziorski, UC Berkeley

  2. The Effect of the Internet on Performance and Quality: Evidence from the Airline Industry
    Itai Ater, Tel Aviv University and Eugene Orlov, Compass Lexecon
    Discussant: Byung-Cheol Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology

  3. Targeted Information Release in Social Networks
    Junjie Zhou, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Ying-Ju Chen, University of California at Berkeley
    Discussant: Anton Badev, Federal Reserve Board

Session 2: Network Neutrality, Regulatory Issues and Network Formation

[video link]

  1. Asymmetric Neutrality Regulation and Innovation at the Edges: Fixed vs. Mobile Networks
    Jay Pil Choi, Michigan State University, Doh-Shin Jeon, Toulouse School of Economics & CEPR and Byung-Cheol Kim (Speaker), Georgia Institute of Technology
    Discussant: Glenn Woroch, UC Berkeley

  2. Quantifying the Impacts of Digital Rights Management and E-Book Pricing on the E-Book Reader Market
    Jin-Hyuk Kim (Speaker), University of Colorado at Boulder, and Tin Cheuk Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Discussant: Minjung Park, UC Berkeley

  3. Competing for Influencers in a Social Network
    Zsolt Katona, University of California at Berkeley
    Discussant: Hanna Halaburda, Bank of Canada

Session 3: Network Marketplaces, Intermediaries, and Social Issues on Networks

[video link]

  1. Dynamic Network Competition
    Hanna Halaburda (Speaker), Bank of Canada, Bruno Jullien, Toulouse School of Economics and Yaron Yehezkel, Tel Aviv University
    Discussant: Miguel Villas-Boas, UC Berkeley

  2. A Model of Product Design and Information Disclosure Investments
    Panos Markopoulos (Speaker), University of Cyprus and Kartik Hosanagar, University of Pennsylvania
    Discussant: Ying-Ju Chen, UC Berkeley

  3. The Internet and Hate Crime: Offline Spillovers from Online Access
    Jason Chan (Speaker), Anindya Ghose and Robert Seamans, Stern School of Business, NYU
    Discussant: Sridhar Narayanan, Stanford GSB

