World Open Innovation Conference
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12/14/2017 - 12/15/2017
7:30 am - 9:00 pm

San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront

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The 4th Annual World Open Innovation Conference returns to California! This year, the event will be held in the epicenter of Silicon Valley – San Francisco. After three successful events, the World Open Innovation Conference has established itself as one of the most well attended Open Innovation conferences in the world. Industry leaders and academic scholars have helped identify and develop ways to bridge the gap between Open Innovation [1]  research, and Open Innovation practices.

The conference offers a unique setting to combine the latest in Open Innovation research with the open innovation practices of some of the world’s leading companies. Academic scholars have an opportunity to apply their research to current challenges and areas of development within company settings. Likewise, industry leaders can glean, learn, and apply Open Innovation research to their innovation strategy.

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