ICC Conference: Beyond Technological Innovation and Diffusion
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12/12/2016 - 12/14/2016
All Day

Haas School of Business

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Conference subtitle:

The Drivers of Economic Change and Economic Coordination:
from Knowledge and Technology to Organizational Learning and Industrial Dynamics


The editors of Industrial and Corporate Change (ICC) are organizing a major Conference that takes stock on the advances reached in  he Conference on Innovation and Diffusion in Venice, 1986, and moves the frontier forward by tackling several new major themes and at the same time scouting the challenges ahead.

Major topics for the conference include:

Technology, industry evolution and the anatomy of knowledge generation mechanisms: The role of technology and knowledge in industry dynamics and economic development. From scientific search to technological paradigm, to role of knowledge, to national, sectoral and regional systems of innovation.

Firms and organizations: Beyond ”market failure” interpretations of firms’ origin and functioning. Toward a constructive theory of organizations grounded upon the permanent tension between collective capabilities, incentive and power.

The structure and evolution of industries: Ubiquitous heterogeneity in innovative capabilities and performances; uneven patterns of learning and market selection; differentiated effects of finance upon corporate and industry dynamics; industrial life cycles.