Dean Lyons on Developing Innovative Leaders
In the summer 2014 issue of Berkeley-Haas magazine, Dean Lyons’ letter outlines how the school’s Defining Principles helps develop innovative leaders. Read more.

Terry Hendershott on High-frequency Trading
When data identifying the investor or trader involved in each algorithmic trading transaction finally started to become available in 2005, Finance Professor Terrence Hendershott began studying the effect of high frequency trading on the market and price efficiency. Hendershott believes HFT is the application of technology to many traditional short-term speculative strategies. In this video, Prof. Hendershott weighs in on whether high-frequency trading is good, bad, or simply inevitable. Watch the video.

Ross Levine discusses traits of entrepreneurs
Is being an entrepreneur really more lucrative than working for a salary? And who is best cut out to succeed? A new study by Professor Ross Levine of the Haas Economic Analysis and Policy Group answers both of these questions. Watch the video.

Steve Tadelis on the payoffs of online advertising
Using data from eBay, economist Steven Tadelis at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business compared whether consumers are more likely to click on paid ads than on free, generic search results and found that advertisers may not be getting their money’s worth. Watch the video.

Rochlin Named UC Berkeley Teaching Fellow
Haas@Work executive director Dave Rochlin and Sara Beckman have been selected as UC Berkeley Lecturer Teaching Fellows for the 2014–2015 academic year. Read more.

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