Haas Team Wins 2014 Tech Challenge
Haas’ own team won the 4th Annual Haas Tech Challenge for its proposed system to alert drivers in advance to an available parking spot, ending the frustrating cycle of circling to find a space.
Read more.

Morgan: Entrepreneurs Are Not Risk Seekers
Professor John Morgan, Gary & Sherron Kalbach Chair in Entrepreneurship, was featured in Forbes for his research on loss aversion being a key driver in entrepreneurial effort. Read more.

Morrison Receives Fisher-Hopper Prize
Patty Morrison, the chief information officer of Cardinal Health, has received the Fisher CIO Leadership Program’s third annual Fisher-Hopper Prize for Lifetime Achievement in CIO Leadership. Read more. Watch videos of the prize announcement and prize acceptance.

Fabrizio wins Richard R. Nelson Prize
The Richard R. Nelson Prize for 2014 has been awarded to Professor Kira R. Fabrizio for her article, “Absorptive Capacity and the Search for Innovation.” The prize is awarded every two years for the best article in the academic journals Industrial and Corporate Change and Research Policy. Read more.

Attend the First World Open Innovation Conference
The First Annual World Open Innovation Conference will be held in Napa, CA on December 3-5, 2014, and will hosted by noted author and researcher Henry Chesbrough. Read more.

Faculty Rock Stars
Professors Toby Stuart (pictured) and Ulrike Malmendier, part of the next generation of big thinkers at the Haas School, were profiled in the summer 2014 issue of Berkeley-Haas magazine. Read more.

The Institute’s Haas@Work program employs student teams to address business challenges and uncover new opportunities for corporations such as Pay Pal.

Fisher CIO Leadership Program
The Institute’s Fisher CIO Leadership Program convenes leading CIOs and technology executives at its events.

Berkeley Innovation Forum
The Institute’s Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation hosts executives of leading corporations such as Coca-Cola, SAP, and GE in its Berkeley Innovation Forum.

NSF I-Corps
The Institute’s Berkeley-Haas Entrepreneurship Program teaches startup skills to scientists and engineers in a National Science Foundation program.